Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Who is The Redneck Viking? - Stuck in Hell

So since it looks like I'm going to be posting on here for a while, I should let you know a little more about me. If you know me, then chances are you row, or know someone who does. You would also know then that crew is the single greatest sport in the world, but I'll talk more about that later. I stand about six foot one, blond hair, blue eyes, and a charm that women find irresistable ;)

As of right now I'm stuck in a purgatory known as Florida trying to get a roof on my hurricane tattered house. I know what youre thinking, "Stuck in Florida? That can't possibly be a bad thing." Let me assure you, it is.

The particular section of Hell im dwelling in right now is called Vero Beach. It consists of 49% elderly, 49% rednecks, and 1% me. The elderly population is mostly rich people from Glen Cove (the kind of people you go to places like this to get away from). Next are the rednecks who, I am sad to say, I am partially kin to (half of my family hails from good 'ol Alabama), hence the name. The other 1% is a unique species of inbread human like creatures which I consider proof of the fact that this is actually Hell.

Fortunatly for me, I will be out of this purtgatory on March 1st, and back in the Big Apple. Till then I'll keep spewing forth an array of candid rants, and commenting on lifes various oddities and regularities.

~The Redneck Viking


Travis said...

The other 1% is a unique species of inbread human like creatures which I consider proof of the fact that this is actually Hell.

you speak to quickly, dearest megan.

Anonymous said...

Well maybe you should have put it with the REST of the statistics, dearest travis.